Born September 12, 1951, Ohandu-Ndoki, Abia State. Education: Christ Church School, Akwete, Ndoki, Ukwa East LGA, Abia State, 1956-1962; Ndoki Grammar School, Obohia, Ukwa East LGA, Abia State, 1962-1965, 1970, May/June, 1971; Niger Grammar School, Port Harcourt (Disrupted by the Civil War), 1965-1967; University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, 1973-77; Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Col., USA, 1984-86; University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1986-91. Professor Wilson E. Herbert (KSC) is a Professor of Accounting & Financial Management in the Department of Banking & Finance, Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa State. He holds a PhD in International Investment from the University of Glasgow (1992), after a Master’s in International Financial Management & Reporting in the same university. He holds a B.Sc. (Honours) in Accountancy from University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus (UNEC). Through academic research excellence and leadership, he had a meritorious rise in the UK, achieving the rare distinction of being promoted to a full professor at University of Derby, UK., thus becoming the first Black African in any British or European University to be appointed Professor of Accounting and Financial Management as well as the pioneer Head of the Division of Financial Studies, University of Derby, Derbyshire Business School, England, UK. Professor Herbert returned to Nigeria on the invitation of Federal Government for the operational take-off of the Nigeria Education Development Bank. Between 2003-2010, he was a Visiting Professor at the National Universities Commission (NUC). Prior to that, he was Honorary Special Adviser to Minister of Finance (1998-1999) and Special Adviser(Technical) to Minister of Education (2005-2006). He was Joint Leader of a team of international consultants that midwifed the 2005/2006 CBN Bank Consolidation. He was also a resource member of CBN Committee that developed FSS2020 and served on its Committees on Money Markets, Capital Markets, and Human Capital Development. He was Director of Academic Planning, Bingham University (2013-15), Head of Department of Accounting & Finance (2015-16) and Dean of Faculty of Management Sciences, Baze University (2016-2017).
Professor Herbert is a member of many learned societies and professional bodies (over 20) including the American Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Certified Professional Forensic Accountants (Canada & USA), Risk Management Association (USA), Academy of International Business. His ten Fellowships include Fellow of the: Nigerian Accounting Association (FNAA), Certified Forensic Accountants (CrFAF), Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (FCTI), Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (FCNA), Association of International Accountants, UK (FAIA), Chartered Institute of Forensic and Investigative Professionals of Nigeria, Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC), Chartered Institute of Administration (FCIA), Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC), and National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria. He is also a Certified Management Consultant and Life Member of Nigerian Economic Society. Professor Herbert has over 200 publications in refereed international and national academic journals, conference proceedings, books and chapters in books as well as other periodicals. He is the author of Alternative Strategies to Foreign Investment, Management Strategies and Business Policies (co-author), Nigeria Political Economy and Sustainable Development (co-Editor), Contemporary Issues in the Development of the Nigerian Economy (Editorial phase), and Financial Markets, Financial Institutions, and The Economy (co-author, editorial phase). Professor Herbert is on the Editorial board, Consulting Editor and Reviewer of several international journals, including Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting (JFIA) USA, European Centre for Research Training & Development, UK, Managerial Finance, UK (Guest Editor), Accounting: An International Journal (UK), Applied Finance and Accounting (USA), International Journal of Finance and Accounting (USA), International Journal of Statistics and Applications (USA), Open Access Library Journal (OALib Journal), Journal of Economic & Financial Sciences (University of Johannesburg, South Africa), Journal of Business & Financial Studies, Nigerian Financial Review, Accounting Frontier, Accountancy: Issues & Readings, The Certified National Accountant (Editor in Chief, 2007-12), International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan, Open Journal of Management Sciences (Editor-in-Chief), Special Issue of Human Resource Management Research (Guest Editor), Scientific & Academic Publishing, USA (Guest Editor), Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences, Archives of Current Research International (UK) and several others. Professor Herbert has supervised or externally examined over 20 PhDs, some of whom are already Professors, over 1,000 MBA/MSc, and externally assessed over 25 Professors/Associate Professors in Accounting & Finance. His research interests gravitate around international accounting & reporting, financial markets, emerging markets, international financial management & investment, corporate governance, and risk management.
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