IDEMUDIA, Dr.Taiwo Donatus ‘Ayomwan (JP)

B.Sc, MA, MBA, Ph.D.; energy economist, public servant businessman, administrator, b:September 8,1947;hfcBenin-City; Iga: Oredo; so: Edo; m:Avbosuahi Justina Manayin, 1975; he: two s, threed; ed: Eweka Memorial School,Benin-City, 1953- 59;GovernmentCollege,Ughelli, 1960-66;Universityoflbadan, 1967-70; State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, USA, 1971-78; cr: Resident tutor, University oflbadan, 1970-71; part-time a-prof. Eire CommunityCollege,Amherst, New York, USA, 1975-76; Ucturer, State University ofNewYork,NewYork, 1976-78; asst ChiefMarketing Officer/ Head,OffshoreProcessing andSpecialProject Section,Nigerian National PetroleumCorporation,Ugos, Nigeria, 1978-81;QuantitativeEconomist Organisation ofPetro-Jeum ExportingCountries(OPEC), Vienna,Austria, 1981; MarketAnalyst/snr. MarketAnalyst OPEC,Vienna, 1981-88; Head, Economics Section, OPEC, Vienna, 1988-89; Manager, Business Development Department, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation . (NNPC), 1989-90; gm. 1990-91; Undon Office, 1992-93; Office, 1994-95; CrudeOil SalesDepartment 1995-98; md. Nigerian Gas Company, NNPC,Warri, 1998-99;Retired fromNNPC, 1999; md. Nour Development Company, Paris, France, 1999-02;' ceo. Harvard Place Consultants, Ikoyi, Lagos, since2002;mm:AmericanEconomicAssociation, since1973; MENSAInternational, since 1982; v-presd:Austro-Nigeria Society; Government College, Ughelli, OldBoysAssociation(GCUOBA), Ugos Branch,2007-08; presd. since 2009;Trustee,GCUOBA,Centre,h: Justiceofthe Peace(JP),Edo State, since 1995;Certifieda BeninAchiever, byOmoN'ObaN'Edo, Uku Akppiokpolo, 2006; Listed* inThe New Who's Who in Nigeria, by Nigerian International Biographical Centre, Ugos; publ:co-author, Revenue AllocationandDevelopment inNigeria, FUME, Benin-City, 1969; Energy Indicators,OPECReview, 1982; Implication for Oil Producers ofthe NewCOMECO Oil Pricing Policy, Lugo L, Idemudja T.July 1984; United Kingdom Coal Strike andThe OilMarket, March \985; Energy Policy Responses, StrategiesandPlanning in the Oil Exporting Countries, OPEC Review, 1987; sc: Cowrie 25 Club; hob: drama, international affairs; off: Suite 1,Dolphin Plaza, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Ugos; tel:08038209088; e-m:[email protected]; res: 153B, Isale Eko Avenue, Dolphin Estate, Osborne Road, Ikoyi, Ugos; tel: 08055271962;pha: BeninCity,OredoUcal GovernmentArea,EdoState.
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