IGBIGBI, Prof. Patrick Sunday

BSc, MBBS,M.Sc,MD,FASN, FASSEN; medical practitioner, uniyersity teacher, administrator, b: June 20,1954;p: Warri; ht:Ovu;Iga: Ethiope Eastso:Delta; m: Dr. (Mrs.) AliceMutesasira: nc:twos,threed;ed: Caveginia Primary School,Warri, 1960-65; St. Peter Clavers College,Aghalokpe,1966-70; GovernmentCollege,Ughelli, 1971- 72;UniversityofNigeria, Nsukka, 1976-78; UniversityofIlorin, Ilorin, 1978- 84;UniversityotCalabar, 1990-92; Uniyersity ofPort Harcourt, 1999-03; cr: Teacher, Baptist HighSchool, Eku, 1973-74; Pre-registration House Officer, University pfIlorin Teaching Hospital, 1984-85; Senior House Officer, Oke- OlaCatholic Hospital, Ikire, 1985-86; Lecturer II, Dept. ofAnatomy, University ofPort Harcourt, I986-90;Lecturer 1,1990-93; Senior Lecturer, !l 993-95; Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. bfAnatomy, Mbarara University ofScience andTechnology, Mbarara, Uganda, 1995-97;Associate Prof., Prof, bfAnatomy, College ofMedicine, University ofMalawi, Biantre, Malawi, 1998-2000; 2000-04; Visiting Prof, ofAnatomy, Delta State University,Abraka, Nigeria, 2003-04; Prof, sinceJanuary 2005;Head, Dept of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences, University ofPort Harcourt, 1991-95; Ag. Provost, College . ofHealth Sciences and Technology, 1997; Head, Dept ofAnafomy.'College ofMedicine, University of Malawi, 2001-03; Dean, Undergraduate Studies, College ofMedicine, University ofMalawi, 2003-04; Head,Dept ofAnatomy, Delta State University, Abraka, 2005-06; Provost College ofHealth Sciences, Delta StateUniversityAbraka,since2006; ee: FacultyofMedicine, University ofNigeria, Enugu Campus, 1994;College ofjvtedical Scjences,'Universityof Calabar, 1995;Con^eofMedical Sciences, University ofjiorih, 1997; 1998; College ofMedicine, Uniyersity ofMalawi, 1998; Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda: MMED Students in Surgery, Orthopaedics and ENT, 2005; Faculty fBasic Medical Sciences, University ofBenin, 2006; University ofGhana, LegonGhana, 2008;Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 2008; Faculty ofBasjc Medical Sciences, Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Bayelsa State, 2008; mem,Appointments and Promotions Committee; CHS, Uniport, 1991- 95; mm:Senate, UniversityofMalawi Senate, 2003-04; GoverningCouncil, Delta State University, Abraka, since 2005; Joint Council and Senate Committee for theAppointment ofViceChancellorofDelta State University, Abraka, 2004; NUC Commission Accreditation Team to Ebonyi State Uhiversity, Abakaliki, 2005; NUCAccreditationTeam totheUniversities of Ugos, Lagos State University, College ofMedicine, and Babcock University, Ogun State; Accreditation of Medical and Dental Council Visitation tothe College of Medicine, University ofNigeria, Eriugu Campus; Anatomical Society ofWestAfrica; Anatomical Society ofNigeria; Physiological Society ofWestAfrica; Nigeria Medical Association; Uganda Medical Practitioners; Pre-CIinical Teachers Association ofNigeria; memof Executive, National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD), 1984-85; mem Curriculum Committee, College ofHealth Sciences, Uniport, 1988-90; memStudents' Welfare Committee, Uniport, 1988-90; mem, Pharmacological Society of WestAfrica, 1991-95; President, Pre-ClinicalTeachere Society ofNigeria, 1991-95; Nigeria Society for Experimental Biologists (NISEB), 2006-08; Anatomical SocietyofNigeria, since 2006; Sec: Nigerian Society for Medical Scieirce Research, 1992-95; frea^ Research; ahi Federal Government ofNjgeria Bursary Award, 1976; Federal GovernmentofNigeria Merit Award for Academic Excellence, 1984-81; Best - GraduatingM&Stadente in Hunu^^ 1992; h: Outstanding Scholar ofthe 21 "Century-International Biographical Centre Cambridge, England, 2000;International Intellectual ofthe Year, 2001; International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, EngJand,200l; Anatomical Society ofNigeria, FASN; f: Anatomical Society of South-South and South Eastern Nigeria, FASSEN, 2008; Development inNigeria Education Merit Award (DINEMA), 2007; memofCouncil Anatomical SocietyofNigeria, 2008; publ: Ucture Notes on Human AnatomyVolume One,The Extremities, Port Harcourt, 1998; Essentials of HumanAnatomy Volume 2-Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis and Perineum, Pprt Harcourt, 1998; Essentials of Neuroanatomy, First Edition, Pprt Harcourt, 1998; Essentials ofHuman Neuroanatomy, Second Edition, Montfort Press, Malawi, 2002; Essentials ofHuman Anatomy (Head, Neck and Back) I" Edition, PortHarcourt,2004; co-author Urine Methl Listamine Concentrations BeforeandafterChloroquine intake inhealthy black subjects, Joumai ofTropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1990; Relationship of Head Circumference andWeightof Newborn to SelectedMaterial Anthropometric Parameters, OrientJournal ofMedicine, 1990;24-hourUrine Volumeand Electrolyte Excretion in normal adult Nigerians, Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences, 1992; Estimation of Uwer Humeral Angle in Nigerians, WestAfrican Journal ofAnatomy,1994;AccessoryAbductorofthe Thumb.A LimbAnglesof EastAfrican Subjects.West AfricanJournal of Anatomy, 1997;The TibiofemoralAngle in Malawians, Clinical Anatomy, 2002;etc; sc: President, Senior StaffClub, DeltaState University, Abraka; SeniorStaffClub,UniversityofPortHarcourt, 1994-95; hob: lawntennis, football, reading; off: Dept.ofAnatomy,CollegeofHealth Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka,, Delta State; tel: 08036746053; e-m: [email protected].
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