IKEME, Prof. Alexander Ikechukwu

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; food scientist, academic, administrator, b:April 23,1953; m:Nneka Gloria Ikeme; nc: five; ed: St. Anthony's College, Obulu Uku, Delta State, 1970-71; University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, 1972-76; University ofArkansas, Fayettevitle, Arkansas,USA,1977-79; Purlue University, WestUfeyette,Indiana, USA, 1979-81; University ofNigerii, Nsukka, Enugu State, 2003-08; ci ^Graduate Research Asst, Purdue University, Indiana, US, 1979-81; Post Doctoral ResearchAssociate, 1981; UcturerII,Dept. of Food Science andTechnology, University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1981-84; Ucturer 1,1984-86; Snr. Ucturer, 1986-91; Prof, UniversityofNigeria, Nsukka, 1996; Associate Dean, Faculty ofAgriculture, University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1998-04; Head, Dept. ofFood Science and Technology, 2002-04; Dean, Faculty ofAgriculture, 2004-06; Vice President, Entrepreneurship Educators ofNigeria, 2007; Dir., United Aid International, since 2001; Federal Consultant onEntrepreneurial Activities to University ofUgos; Federal University ofTechnoIogy, Owerri; Consultant/ Part Time Ucturer, Dept. of Food Science and Technology, University of Mkar, Benue State, 2007; Consultant Food andAgricultural Organization of the United Nations Fisheries Division,2008; mem, ConsultingTeamforthe Development ofTrainingModules for Central Bank ofNigeria,Commissioned byNigeria Communications Commission, 2008; Coordinator, Assessment ofUvel ofAccessto ICTin Semi Urbanand RuralNigeria,Commissioned by Nigeria Communications Commissions,. 2008; Coordinator, Study on Measurement andBenchMarketing ofNigeria'sDigital Opportunities Index ( with Similar Markets Commissioned by Nigeria Communications Commission, 2008;TeammemberthatPrepared the Proposal fortheWorld BankResearch GrantonScience andTechnology Education Post-Basic(STEP B)Project-Enhancing Linkages between University Output and Industrial Needs through ICT and Learning, 2009; memoftheTeam Preparing Proposal to Procure the Establishment ofthe Centre forClimateandDevelopment in Collaboration withOxford University, Centre for Environmentand Management Control, UNN; Institute of Development Studies, UNN; Energy Research Centre,UNN.2009; mm:GovemingCouncil, University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 2006-07; Board, Energy Research andDevelopmentCentre, 2005-07; Board mem,University ofNigeriaGeneral Enterprises Ltd,2005-07; ch.,Ad-hoc Committee, University ofNigeria Research and Economic Development Foundation, 2006-07; Patron, Student inFree Enterprise, University ofNigeria, Nsukka, since2008; Patron, Confraternity ofthe Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague, St. Mary's Parish Inland Town, Onitsha; mm: Poultry Science Association; Institute ofFood Technologists; Nigeria Institute ofScience& Technology; Sigma XI,theScientific Research Society, Phi Tau Sigma,The Honour Society for Food Science; National Association of Entrepreneurship Educators of Nigeria; award: Best Student Award for Academic Distinction, St Anthony's College, Ubulu-Uku, 1970-71; Federal Government Scholarship Award forUniversity Education, 1972-76; Anambra State Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies, 1979-81; University of Nigeria Senate Research Grant, toimr^vequalityofsmokedfish,1983-86;FAOResearchGranttoTechnicaIly CharacterizeTraditional Smoked Dried Fish inNigeria, 1989; FAO Research Grant to Study the Effect of Patricides on Cured Fish in Nigeria, 1993; Intemational Peace Prize,American Biographical Instituteand United Cultural Convention, 2003; Gold Vocational Service Award, Rotary Club Capital District9140, Enugu,2004;Award ofHonour, National Association ofOnitsha AdoStudents,UNN Chapters, 2006; Recipient International Service Award for Entrepreneurship, RotaryClub ofEnugu,Coal CityofRotary Intemational District 9140,2007; Corporate Standard Meritorious Diamond Award for National Development 4* Edition, 2007; National Merit Award as a Distinguished Agriculturist 2007; Vice Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Performance, University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 2008;Winner, I" Edition Youths Entrepreneurship Award, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Development Research; Rising Entrepreneurial Institution Award, Withworth Entrepreneurship Consultancy, UK in Collaboration wijh Kauffman Foundation, USA, 2008; Listed among thetop three Nominees selected by the Nigerian Public for the Award ofthe Entrepreneurship Life Time Award, Withworth EntrepreneurshipConsultancy,UK inCollaboration with Kauffman Foundation, USA; Winner, Nigeria Association of Agricultural Students Award for Contributions towards the Empowerment andDevelopment of Agricultural Youth through Entrepreneurial Education, 2008;Winner ofthe Prestigious International Pan African Award on Entrepreneurship Education, 2008; h: Knight ofSt. Mulumba, Nsukka Cub-Conhcil, 2008; publ: Author, Science and TechnologyAComprehensiveApproach, African-Fep Publishers Ltd, 1990; Challenges ofAgriculture inNational Development Faculty of Agriculture, UNN, 1990; Co-author, Entrepreneurial Creativity: Multi EducationalService Trust(MEST), Nsukka,2008; Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Multi Educational Service Trust (MEST), Nsukka, 2009; Co-author, Effect of Nitrite Content and SmokingonYield ShelfLife and Palatebility ofCornish Game Hens, Poultry Science, 60:1981; Thermally Processed Hard Cooked Eggs, Poultry Science, 61: 1982; Extending the Shelf-life of Chicken Broiler Meat Poultry Science, 61: 1982; Effects of SupplementaryWater-administered Vitamin DonEggShellThickness, Poultry Science, 62: 1982; Utilizing Flake-cut Spent Fowl in Chicken Pattites, Poultry Science, 63:1982; Shelf-life and AcceptabilityofSmoked Mackerel/ .Proceedings ofthe Ninth Annual Conference ofthe Nigerian Society for Animal Production, University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1995; Effectof Oil Treatment Storage Temperature and Duration on Quality of Shell Eggs, Nigerian Food Journal, Vol.2:2,1985; Meat Evaluation oftheNigerian Local Chicken andtheirCrosses, Nigerian Food Journals, Vol.4:1,1986; Effect of Genotype, age and eggsizeonmeasureofshell qualityofUcaland Crossbreed Hens, Joumai ofAnimal Production Research, Vol. 1:1,1987; EffectonOil Treatment and StorageTemperature onSome Selected Physical and Functional Properties ofShell Eggs, Vol. 1:1,1987; Effect of Different Methods of Hot Smoking on the Proximate Composition and Lean and Fatty Fish, CotedTvoire, 1988;Effect of Smoking Time on Product Qualityof hotsmoked mackerel, proceedings of the FAO expert consultation on fish technology inAfrica, Abidjan, Coted'Ivoire; Effectonsmoked timemackerel, proceedings ofthe FAO expert Consultation on fish technology inAfrica, Abidjan, Cote'dIvoire, 1988; Studies onTraditional and Improved method of smokedfish,Abidjan,CotedTvoire,1998; SunandSolar drying of fresh water fish, Abidjan, CotedTvoire, 1988; etc;off: Dept. of Food andScience & Technology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State; e-m: [email protected]; tel:0803-712-8239.
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