IKPE, Dr. Nsidibe Nelson

Medical Practition e r, Physician, Cons ult a nt Sur"o eo n , Pres ident, Leuioll Park Medi ca l Centre rVliami ~ " Flo rid a ; LeA: Ns it Ubium: Born: Feb 18 1949' , " Married to Mrs I'le len N Ikpe; Chi ldren : Edidi ong ( 18), Uduak , Udeme; Educat ion: Co llege o f He a lth Sc ie nces & OSle o palhy Med ic in e, Des Mo ines Univ, 101Va, U.S.A, 1974 - 78, MOBS: Other Qnalifieations: In tc rn ship Programme at lackson wle mor iall-l os p. Miami ; C hi cago Hos p: Miam i C hildren Hos p, ( Pac diatrics); Ca r'e er' and Worl' History: Chi cfCons ulta nl/ Pres id e nt. Leg ion Park Medi ca l Ce nlre, Minm i, Fl o rida ~ Two o th e r c lin ic s. a Pharm ace utica l Compan y; an Emp loyment Agency: Dr Ikpe se rves as a Cons ulta nt u rgeon to severa l Hos pita ls a nd Med ica l Agenc ics in the U.S.A : I'[ome: Ndi y a , Ns it Ubium Loca l Gov!. Area. I\ kwa ' bom ' '' a te. ***
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