JA’AFARU, Mallam Dan Isyaku, C.B.E, C.V.O, MHC

EMIR OF ZAZZAU AND MINISTER WITHOUT PORTFOLIO ASTUTE DEFENDER OF NORTHERN INTERESTS He was born in 1880 of the Barebari ruling Clan of Zaria Emirate. As was the case with Royal households, he started Quranic education very early in life, precisely at seven years of age. He later attended the Provincial School in Kano from1911to1912. Malam Jaafaru started his career in the Zaria NativeAdministration as a messenger attached to the Provincial Office in 1912. In 1918, Malam Jaafaru was appointed the Katukan Zavgau, the District Head in charge of Zangon Kataf. He was the District Head till he was turbaned the Emir of Za^auin 1937. He reignedforTwenty twoyears. Thefactthatthe he started his career as a messenger and rose to the exhalted position of Emirship was a record achievement for anyone. His reign recorded eviableprogress in the fields of administration, social services and politics. His charismatic spirit made him an outstandingfigure in Nigeria s national life. He is always remembered for the role he played during the introduction of the Richard's Constitution both at Kaduna and Ibadan when he resolutely fought for a fiftypercentrepresentation fortheNorth in the Federal Legislature. Together with Abubakar Imam he represented Northern Nigeria at the 1942 Ibadan Conference on the appointment of Africans into Administrative positions. He represented a formidable position of theNorth. Also as a Minister without portfolio, he contributed enormously to the constitutional development of the North and remained a constant source of light and inspiration to his follow Emirs in the North. He was well known for his outspokenness, courage and wisdom. Little wonder, since he was well read in Arabic. Despite a minus in the filed of Western Education, Malam Jaafaru presented a formidable profile in the defence of theNorth. Once in 1954 on a visit to Lagos and the House of Representatives, he declared that if the Southerners wanted self government then (1954) we should separate since the North was not prepared. Malam Jaafaru died on Friday August 21,1959 at the age of Seventy Three.
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