KHALIFA, Shiek Isiyaka Rabi’u OFR

EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN ISIYAKA RABI'U GROUP OF COMPANIES Khalifa Isiyaka Rabi'u was born in 1928, to a Kano renowned Islamic teacher, Sheik Muhammadu Rabi'u Inusa. He studiedthe HolyQui*an underhisfatherfrom 1936to 1942. He thenproceededto Maiduguri, forfurtherstudiesunderSheik HamisuSha'aibu, where hegraduatedin thefield ofQur'anic recitation in 1946. Khalifa laterstudiedthe course of Tasawwuf andDariqa underSheik Abubakar Mijinyawa in Kano City. He returned to hisfather's school andfurther studied the science of Tajwid From there, he transferredto SheikAbdullahiSaiga'sSchoolatSanka, Kano,forthe study of IslamicUwandJurisprudenceandpassedoutin 1949. Satisfiedwith hisperformance in Islamic studies, hisfather agreedthathe shouldgo into trading in thefamous Kano Kurmi market in 1949. From there, Khalifa registeredbis company as Isiyaku Rabiu andSons" underBusiness Names Registration in 1952. Itwas subsequently incorporatedasalimitedliability company in 1973, asIsiyaku Rabiu andSonsUmited. Itis now theparentcompany of Isiyaku Rabiu Group of Companies, acongkmerate of twelve companies, dealing in Trading Manufacturing Insurance andBanking with over 2,000 employees. Sheik Isiyaku Rabiu's dired involvement in industrial ventures was in 1969 when he and some other prominent Kano business men established the first indigenous Textik Company in Kano, calkd Bagauda Textik Mill Umited Thereafter, beplayedan active rok in the establishment of such companies Uke, Nigerian VidoyAssurance Company Umited, (now Val Insurance Ud), Stanbic Merchant Bank Nigeria Umited (as itsfirst chairman), Habib Nigeria Bank Umited, Giwarite Umited, CombinedServicesUd. Khalifa Sheik Isyaka Rabi'u isaDiredorin many other companies in the county. He wasaformer memberof the University of Ibadan Governing Council, andis currentlyamemberof theBoards of Governing Councilof theIslamic University of Niger, Niamy andthe International University of Africa, in Khartoum, Sudan, SenateMember of the University of Faisal, Njamena, Chadandmember of Ulama of Nigeria. He is ako amember of the Organisation of Islamic Conference basedin SaudiArabia andMuslim WorldUague. He was appointedas the Uader of the TijaniyaMovementin Nigeria andthe neighboring countries in 1994 thus gaining the titk of Khalifa. He is ako the President of Sheik Muhammadu Rabi'u Islamic Foundation International, an Islamic Organisationfor both humanitarian andIslamicPropagation. Khalifa Sheik Isiyaka Rabi'u isarecipient of many awards, includingthe 'Men ofAchievementAward"in 1991, the IndustrialGiantsMeritAward" by the Ondo State Councilof Chambers of Commerce, Industy, Mines andAgriculture in 1998, andthe "Sir AhmaduBelk InternationalAward" 1999. Hehas singk-handedly construded twogiganticJumu'atMosques at Gwauron Dutse and Kofar Mata Kano. He has ako established many Islamiya and Western -type Primay SchooL for the benefit of Muslims as well as sponsored many Students to study in Sudan, Ubya, Egypt and Sau'di Arabia
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