MACHINA, Mohammed Kali

B.Ed,civilservant,administrator, b: November 21,1957; p: Machina, ht: Machina; Iga:Machina; so:Yobe;married, Mario Abdulliahi, Jan 30,1981; nc: eight s, oned; ed: Machina Central primary School, 1965-71;Government Secondary School, Maiduguri; 1975-76. universityofMissouri,CaliforniaUSA, 1985-86;NationalTechnicalSchool LosAngeles,California, USA, 1977-78; en Craftsman, Minitry ofNational Resources,BornoState, 1976-2000;Rosethroughthe ranks,Dir.Mechanical Services; Perm Sec, Yobe State, 2000; mm; Nigerian Institution ofAgric Engineers; Sec, Machina DevelopmentAssociation;Chairman, PTA,Federal GovernmentCollege,Buni Yadi,Yobe State;Ex-Officio, National PTA;tt: Marafa of Machina - adviser to the Emir on Land and Agriculture; sc: Funding Member, Machina SocialClub, 1978; hob:currentaffairs; off: Head ofService, P.M.B. 1015, Damaturu; tel: 08034389884,08085220235; e-m: [email protected]; res:K-l 33,BenKalio Housing Estate, Damaturu; pha: K-l 33, Ben Kalio Housing Estate, Damaturu;
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