MMADUKAKU, Jude Mmaduabuchi Mbanuzue

Date of Birth: 1950 State of Origin: Imo Local Government Area: Ideato South Milage/Town: Umueshi Dr. Jude Mmaduabuchi Mbanuzue Mmadukaku isaneruditeScholarof repute, a seasoned Administrator, an Educationist andSocialScientist/Consultant par excellence whose guiding philosophy that "whatever one wanted lo become in life, he will have to train for it" helped him tremendously to rise above his contemporaries in world's political academic and business ventures to such an extent that he today romances with World leaders ol'the Calibreof Presidentol'the United States of America. A staunch believer in hard work, honesty and transparency, he had used these to his advantage to impact positively on the lives ofthe Youths and institutionalize the American Dream in Nigeria in order to transform his father land into a corruption free society. Education and Training Had a brilliant academic pursuit at his home town and further studies in many Universities abroad • St. Mary Andrews Primary School, Umueshi. Ideato. • Abbot Secondary School. Ihiala • University ofAkansas USA West Texas State University USA Texas Southern University USA Academic Qualifications Obtained First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) • West African School Certificate (W.A.S.C) • Bachelor ofScience (B.SC) in Sociology and Geography • Masters Degree (M.SC) in Education Administration and Supervision with bias in Public Administration. • Doctorate Degree (Ph.D) in Educational Administration and Supervision with bias in HigherEducation Administration. Higher Responsibilities • A fire brand administrator. Social Scientist and Consultant indifferent fields, he rose to the highest position which isbeing acknowledged by world leaders. Atested and trusted performer, he has been Consulted inpolitics at the highest level in theUnited States ofAmerica where heisrespected as an intellectual ol"repute who has Mastered the act ol*Combining education, politicsand businessto achievean enviable result Served asan Independent Political Consultant lo both President Bill Clinton and George Bush ofAmerica toenhance their political fortunes at the polls. • lie brings to bear on the growth ofhis fatherland his wealth of experience where he is constantly seen within theshores of ihe country propagating the principles ofgood governance, transparency credibility, qualitative education and political education. Contributions to National Development • Vested with the American idealogy. Dr. Mmadukaku believes that Nigerians should always think of what todo I'or the Country As a tested achiever in diaspora, he is ranked top most among those bringing the American influence in education, politics and business to Nigeria. Thusthrough hisindefatigable elTort a lotol'Nigerians indiaspora especially in the USA. arebeing encouraged to come back home and invest along side their American friends who now see Nigeriaas a favourable investment climate. Ilaving lived the American dream in the States. Dr. Mmadukaku is helping lo bring the American influence to bear in the Nigerian Society, lie is a key player inthe light against corruption byNigerians indiaspora (America) that are now united forthecommon good of all. This light which is being extended to the home frontiers is no doubt opening doors I'or foreign investors and investment by Nigerians in diaspora. This is principally becausethe fight againstcorruption will helpto sanitizeNigeria as a favourable investment destination. Dr. Mmadukakii isa practicing Christian and a responsible family man married with children. Heisindeed a worthy Igbo ambassador and an Icon of hope, wisdom, integrity and hard work.
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