MORAH, Prof. Frank N. I.

B.Sc M.Sc Ph.D;chemist, lecturer,administrator, b:March 23.1952; p: Umudioka; Iga: Dunukpfia; so: Anambra; married; nc: five;ed:UnionSecondary School,Enugu,I964r67; 1970; RemoSecondary School, Shagamu, 1971-72; Universityoflbadan, 1973-76; 1977-78; 1978- 82;cr: NYSC, EbenezerGrammar School,Ijeda. llesha, 1976-77; Lecturer, DeptofChemistry, Universityoflbadan, 1978-82; Lecturer, DeptofChemistry, College ofEducation, Nsugbe, 1982-86; Lecturer, Department ofChemistry, Bendel State(now AmbroseAli) University, Ekpoma, 1986V89; Lecturer, Department ofChemistry, University of Calabar, since1989; Head, Dept. of Chemistry* College ofEducation, Nsugbe, 1983-85; Dean, School ofNatural and Applied Sciences, 1985-86; Ag.Head, Department ofChemistry, Bendel State(nowAmbroseAli) University, EkpomaonSeveraloccasions, 1986-88; VisitingProf,CrossRiverUnivereityofTechnology,2005;AdjunctProfessor, since2006;Head, Dept ofChemistrySciences,2005-06;Chairman, Research andPublication, Committee,1983-85; ConsultanttoCrossRiversUniversity ofTechnologyonaUNDPAssistedProject onthe useof Organic Waste for Bio-Gas Production, since2006;cc:Calabar Polytechnic/Cross RiverState University ofTechnology, 1994-2005; BendelState University, Ekpoma, 2001-02,2004-05; UniversityofAgriculture, Umudike,2001-02;2003-04; and variousother Universities;NECO Examiner, 2001; JAMB Examiner, 1994-2005; ExternalAssessorforProfessorial Positions todifferentUniversities; Editor-in-Chief, Journal ofScience Education,1986-87; ConsultingEditor, Journal ofChemicalSocietyofNigeria;ZonalEditor, (South-South), Journal ofChemicalSocietyofNigeria,since2002;mm: Statutory mem,University ofCalabar Senate,since 1999; CrossRiverUniversityofTechnologySenate, since2005;SenateResearch GrantSub-Committee forScience,University of Calabar, 1993-99; Faculty Appointmentand Promotion Committee,, since 1999; Faculty Examination Malpractice Committee, 1997-2002; Research Board ofAdvisers,American Biographical Institute, since2006;ch:Research and Publication Committee, College of Education, Nsugbe, 1983-85; Scholarship and In-science Training Committee, 1985-86; Academic Committee forChemistry, University of Calabar, 1996-99; Chemistry Book WritingCommittee, 2002;Faculty ofScienceSenateResearchGrant Sub- Committee,since2006;Chemistry Examination Malpractice Committee, since 2006;Technical Sub-Committee, Chemical Society ofNigeria 2002 International AnnualConference; CrossRiversStateChapter ofthe Chemical SocietyofNigeria,2001 -03;Fair Co-ordinator, Anambra StateChapter of ScienceTeachers Association ofNigeria, 1984-86;Workshop Directors STAN, 1984-86; mm:'Science Association ofNigeria, 1980; Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1982; ScienceTeachers Association ofNigeria, 1983; Lifemem.Chemical SocietyofNigeria 1991; Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria, 2005; Institute ofChartered ChemistryofNigeria2007; f: Chemical SocietyofNigeria, 2004; InstituteofCharteredChemistsofNigeria,,2007; award:Development ofNigeriaMeritAward, 2006;Distinguished Leadership inNational Development Gold Award, 2007; Listed in 16* Edition of Maquis Who's is Who in American Education, 2004-05; Man ofthe Year, 2007, American Biographical Institute; publ:Calculations inModern Chemistry, Kawurizand Manilas Publishers Nigeria Ltd, 1989; The IUPAC NjmeycL- tore ofOrganicandInorganicCompounds, Seaprint Publishers, l999;Advanced OrganicChemistry (forDegreeStudents),?* Edition, Clear LinePuolishers, Calabar, 2004; Healsopublished over30articles in Reputable National and International Journals andpresented several papers inconferences, seminars and workshops; off:Department ofChemistry, University ofCalabar, Calabar, CrossRiverState;pla: St. Michael'sChurch,c/o UmudiokaP.O.Anambra State.
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