OBIOZOR. Prof. George A.




Date of Birth: State of Origin: Local Government Area: Oru Village/Town: Saturday (Afo) 15"' August, 1942 Imo Awo-Omamma, Professor George Obiozor is a renowned academic in the area of International Relations and he has carved a niche lor himself in that discipline. He has spent most of his active working life outside the shores of Nigeria but has. nonetheless, been out of touch with national events and commitments. He has at all times demonstrated his firm patriotism to the issues that affect his fatherland no matter where he is at the lime. Education Awo-Omamma Comprehensive Secondary School. 1959 1963 • Institute of African Studies Geneva Switzerland. 1967 Diploma Programme • University of South Tacoma Washington USA B.A.(Hons) Political Science 1968 • Columbia University , New York . M.A. International Law and Organisation. M. Phi International Affairs 1974, PhD International Allans 1976 Jobs and Employment History Tutor. Awo-Omamma Comprehensive Secondary School 1964 1966 Research Assistant. African Institute . Columbia University USA • Assistant Professor of Political Science. Medgar Evers College of the City of New York, USA 1975- 1979 Special Assistant. Research in the office of the Political Adviser to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 1980 1983 • Senior Research Fellow. Institute of International Affairs 1984 • Special Adviser. Minister of Foreign Affairs Special Assistant to the President on International Affairs. 1990 Director General, Nigeria Institute of International Affairs 1991 - 1999 • Nigerian Ambassador to Israel. 1999 - 2003 • High Commissioner to the Republic of"Cyprus 1999 Attendance to Conferences • Attended many overseas international conferences to explain issues touching Nigerian foreign relations with other nations • Delegate of Nigeria into many Sessions of the United Nations • Attended many summits of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade. Cyprus . etc Represented the Minister of External Affairs to many conferences abroad Has been special guest of many countries including USA. Republic of Korea. Britain. India. Switzerland, and Indonesia, etc. Publications • I las over 7 quality books to his credit • Many special and professionally written articles made public speeches on technical issues bordering on Nigerian's relations to other countries, for instance Arguments why Nigeria should re-establish Diplomatic Relations with Israel. • Guest Lecturer at various universities and Institutions eg .Columbia and Michigan Universities. Institutes of Education Switzerland, etc Awards and Honours Too many to list here. • He is also the Ugwumba 1 of Orlu Recipient of Albert Swhwelzer Fellow ship • Alice Sleitan Fellowship of Columbia University • Has been listed in the American Universities WHO'S WHO He is a real Icon of International Image without blemish. He is married with children. Honours: Recipient,Albert Schwelzer Fellowship; Alice Steitan Fellowship, Columbia University Cited in the America i Who's Who; Publications: The Politics of Precarious Balancing; Nigerian Participation in the United Nations. 1985;IBB's Foreign Policy Pronouncement, 1986- 91; Admiral Augustus Aikhomus Foreign Policy Statement from 1987-92; Uneasy Friendship: Nigeria-United States Relations, 1991;An Analysis of Contending Issues in Nigerian Domestic and Foreign Policy, 1994;Nigeria and the World:- Managing the Politics of Diplomatic Ambivalence Among Nations, 2009; ed. Nigeria at the United Nation: Partnership for a Better World; Nigeria and the Organisation of African Unity: In Search of an African Reality; Nigeria and ECOWAS: Towards A Dynamic Regional Integration; Traditional Title: Ugwumba I ofOrlu. ' Source Publication: The Igbo Icon
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Public Servant , Diplomat
Working Experience
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