Ph.D;scholar,geologist, administrator,b: 1952; p: Abeokuta; so: Ogun; married, has children; Education: Government College, Keffi, 1967; University of lbadan;ObafemiAwolowoUniversity, University of Western Ontario, London,Canada, 1983; CAREER: Secretary, National Committee, Production of Baryte and Bentonite; sec. UNIDO Technical Committee; Action Committee on Raw Materials and Metal Exchange in Africa; Head, Dept of Geology,University ofPort-Hacourt; dir/Head, Mineral Investment Dept. Ministry of Solid Minerals DevelopmentAbuja; md/ceo. Nigerian Mining Corporation, since2000; mm:Geology Society ofAmerica; Society ofMt'ning Engr, Geological Association ofCanada; Board, Nigerian Uranium Mining Company; Kwara State University Implementation Committee; University of Port-Harcourt Senate; h: Special Scholar, University of Western Ontario; University of Port-Hacourt Staff Developments Scholar, hob:Sports; off: Managing Director/Chief Executive, Nigerian Mining Corporation, Abuja.
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