PORBENI, Rear Admiral Festus Bikepre Igbeyinadun

psc,retirednaval officer, dip lomat, bomMay28,1946, Abari, Delta State married Gladys Dubling-Green 1974, (de ceased) twosons, twodaughters; Education: Ereko Methodist Primary School, 1951-59, Hussey College, Warri, 1960-64,Government College, Ughelli, 1965-66,Career: Enlisted in the Nigerian Army and attended various courses including: Nigerian Defence Acad emy, Kaduna, 1967-69, Sub-Lieutenant Technical Course Institute, Vendurthy Cochin, India, 1970-71, Deep Sea Diving Course, Port Harcourt, 1972, Seamanship Course, Royal Navy Seamanship School, Portsmouth, England, 1973, Navigation Spe cialistCourse, India, 1974-75,Commandand Staff College, Jaji, 1979-80; appointed Ex ecutive Officer, NNS Enugu, 1971; Com manding Officer, NNSArgungu, 1974; Pio neer Officer-in-charge, Naval Training School, Port-Harcourt, 1976; Navigation Of ficer and First Lieutenant, NNS Obuma, 1977; Commanding Officer, NNS Ruwan Yaro, 1978; Executive Officer, NNSAkaso, 1978; Flottila Operations Officer, 1979; Pio neerBase Commander, Naval College, Onne, Port-Harcourt, 1980; Director of Naval Op erations, Naval Headquarters, Lagos, 1980; StaffOfficer I, Director of Training and Per sonnel, Defence Headquarters, Lagos, 1982; Commanding Officer, NNS Ekpe andSquad ron Commander, Patrol 4, 1982: Pioneer De fence Adviser, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, 1983-86;appointed Nigerian Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea, 1986-89; Commander, Naval College, Onne, Rivers State, 1989; appointed Minister of Transport, 1998-99; passed Staff College, 1980'; member, Nauti cal Institute, London; National Decoration: Forces Service Star medal; Foreign Deco ration: the medal ofEquatorial Guinea Mili tary Merit of the Second Class, 1986; Hob bies: swimming, music, squash;
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