WILTSHIRE, John Preston

B.A, MPA; historian, administrator, civil servant; b: August 27,1955; p: Lagos; so: Lagos; married, nc: four, ed: St, George's Primary School, Falomo, Lagos, 1961-67; St. Gregory's College, Lagos, 1968-75; University of Ife. Ilc-lfe, 1976-80; 1989-92; cr: Administrative Officer, Defunct National Assembly Service Commission; Admin. Officer, Federal Ministry of Agric, Water Resources& Rural Development, 1981 -84; Principal Personnel/Planning Officer, National Planning Commission, The Presidency, 1986-94; Administrative Officer, 1994-96; Chief Administrative Officer, 1994-96; Deputy Director, International Liaison, 1996-02; Deputy Director, Administration, 2002; Deputy Dir, Operations ManagemcnL Research and Efficiency Section, National Planning Commission. The Presidency, Abuja, 2004; Deputy Director, SERVICOM, Raw Materials Research and Development Council, since 2005; mm: Logistics Committee, Movement of Raw Materials Research and Development Council to Abuja, 1994; Projects Development Committee; Project Monitoring and Evaluation Committee; Security Committee; mm: Chartered Institute ofPersonnel Management of Nigeria (MC1PMN); f: Nigerian Institute ofManagement Chartered (FNIM); hob: sports, short wave radio, traveling, meeting people, gardening; res: 8, Animasaum Street, off Bode Thomas Street, Surulere, Lagos;c-m: [email protected]; [email protected]; tel: 08023268347.
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