BAMALLI, Alhaji Nuhu

MP, CFR MAGAJIN GARIN ZAZZAU. FEDERAL MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Nuhu Bamalli was born in Zaria in 1917 to the Mallawa ruling dynasty. His first taste of education was in a Quranic school which he started as early as he wasfive. Thereafter, he went to Primary School in 1924 and laterMiddle Schoolin Zaria beforeproceedingto Katsina College in 1931. He leftschoolafterfouryears ofgeneralcourse. MalamNuhuBamallistartedworkinglfeintheNAZariain1935.In1937,hejoinedtheGaskiyaCorporation just twoyears after theplace had been transferredfrom The Translation Bureau. As aTranslator in the Corporation, his main duty was translating Orders, Circulars and Sections of Government Gazette for the use of the Native Administration. No wonderthatthe thinggot into hissystem that he even startedwriting books (Bala na Babiya in 1953, AbdulkadirSaladin1953andAbduA^IbnSaidin1954). His main duty asatranslatorcoupledwith his naturaltalentin information disseminationpreparedhimforthe task aheadas Youth Campaignerinpartypolitics.Aboutthistime, there was the urgentneedto havemoreyoungman inpoliticsto awaken thepeoples consciousness especially about their rights vis-a-vis theposition of the whitemen. He didthis withgusto andtheSardauna instantly recognisedhim asavery vocalandconfidentyoungman. In no timehe became one of the leading spokesmenfortheNorth His elocution was responsiblefor his beingpickedasamember of the Northern teamfor the London Constitutional Conference in 1953. 1954 musthave been ayearof destinyforNuhuBamalli,foras theNationalOrganisingSecretary of theNPCand owing to the absence of Ibrahim Imam, he actually organised theJos Convention of theparty wherepeople like Sardana, AlhajiAhmadu Bello were electedto lead theparty. That sameyear, he contested and won election into FederalParliament undertheNorthern Party, NPCan eventthatgave rise to his resigninghisappointmentwith the Gaskiya Corporation. Malam Nuhu Bamalli remainedthe National Organising Secretary of the NPCtill 1959 -when he has to go to the Senate as the country's Constitution has madeprovisionfor the House of Senate. Again as one of the most vocal in theparty, the Sardauna insisted that he shouldgo especially since the oppositionparties were sending renowned orators. The NCNC was sending Nnamdi Aykiwe andK0. Mbadiwe while the A.Gwas sending S.L. Akintola. Therefore, Nuhu Bamalliwentto the Senate asthe Voice of theNorthernPeople. In theyear of Nigerian's Independence, 1960, Senator Nuhu Bamalli became Nigeria's Minister of State in the Ministry of ExternalAffairs (He later served the Ministry infull capacity in 1965). In that capacity, he was member, Nigerian Delegation to the United Nations on Northern Cameroons in 1963. The sameyear, he was the leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the UnitedNationsDebate on Northern Cameroons. Itwas in this capacity as theMinister of ExternalAffairs thatthe soldiers struck in 1966 sacking theirgovernment. The coup did not however stall Senator Nuhu Bamalli's destined contributions to hisfatherland He became a Civil Commissioner in theNorth Central State in 1968, Chairman, Kaduna LocalAuthority in 1973 andin the sameyear, Chairman ofthe Lagos University TeachingAuthority. MalamNuhuBamalli also servedasamemberofthe Constitution Drafting Committee in 1976, Chairman, Kaduna LocalGovernmentServiceBoardin 1977, Chairman, Movementfor the creation ofNewKaduna State in 1980 andChairman orDirectorof very many Companiesandparastatals. For a distinguished International Service, he was conferred with the Order of the National Islamic Republic of Mauritania in 1961 and OrderNational RepublicDuSenegal in 1962. AlhajiNuhu Bamalli was a Commanderof the FederalRepublic CFR. Alhaji Nuhu Bamalli died as the Magajin Garin Zaauin 2001
Gender: Male
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Profession Politician
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