SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATION (1995-1999) J?*WaSh0rnin 1935in de oldcity of Zaria. Hestartedhisformaleducation atthe ZariaEkmentary School from 1942 to 1946andthe ZariaMiddk Schoolfrom 1947-1952. Atthe age seventeen andunlike mostof hispeers Gidado Idrispursuedhiscareerby enrollingatthe ClericalTraining Colkge Zaria, he was thereforoneyear 1952-1953 InApril 1953, Idrisjoinedthe CivilService asaThirdClass Ckrk andbegan thejoumy towardsthefulfillment of the longandmeritorious career. In 1955, he attendedhisfirstcourse onAdministration atthe Institute ofAdministration ^UZana.HetravelkdabroadforstudiesatthePalantypeColkgeU^^ ABUaspartof hism-servicetrainingforanAdvancedAdministrative Course. Onceagainhetravelkdabroadforfurther training, this time at the University of Leeds, Englandfrom 1966-1968 and earned himself aDipkma Decree in Administration. Back to his career he waspromoted in 1958 to Personal Secretay in whichposition hefirst served the late Sarduna. In 1974 hewaspromotedtoAdministrative Officerandwaspostedto theBenueProvince. From 1961-1965the Administrative OfficerservedasAssistantDistriaOfficerandSeniorDistria Officerin the thenAdamawa, Bomo and Sardauna Provinces. In 1965 Gidado Idris waspromotedSeniorAssistantSecretay andwas once againpostedto the Office of the late Sardauna. Itwas whik serving in thatposition thathe travelkdextensively to severalworldcabitak and met world kaders. Between 1966-1973 Gidado waspromotedPrincipalAssistantSecretay, Deputy Permanent Secretay and PermanentSecretay.AsPermanentSecretayheservedin variousMinistriesincludinglnformation, WorksandHousing andAgriculture andNaturalResources in the service of the Northern Region, North CentralandKaduna States. In 1973, Idris was secondedto theNigerian IndustrialDevekpmentBank (NIDB) asAreaManagerforNorthernStates. In 1975, he was secondedto the FederalCivilService as Secretay to the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC). He became Clerk of the NationalAssembly in 1979 and held thisposition till the 1983 coup. From 1983-1986 Idris servedasSecretay/DireaorofAdministrationattheNationallnstituteforPokyandStrat^ Jos. He becamePermanentSecretay, PoliceAffairsin 1986fromwherehe wasappointedDireaorGeneral, Productivity Price andIncome Board (PPIB) in 1988. FromPPIB, he movedon to theMinisty ofAviation asDireaor-Generaiin 1991 andthen Direaor-Generai, FederalMinisty of Finance in 1993. He reachedthepinnack of his careerwith his appointment as Secretay to the Government of the Federation on 17th Oa. 1995. He retired in 1999. For his meritorious anddistinguishedservice to the mation. he was awardedHonoray Doaorof Letters degree by theAbubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchiin 1997 andtheGCONin 1999.
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