KUKU, Prof. Aderemi Oluyomi

BS.c, M.Sc, Ph.D; mathematician, university teacher, administrator; b: March 20, 1941, married; nc: four; ed: Makerere University College, Kampala, Uganda, 1962- 65; University oflbadan, 1966-71;Columbia University, New York City, USA, 1970-71; cr: Asst. Lecturer, University oflfe, 1965-67; Lecturer in Mathematics, 1967-68; Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Ibadan, 1968-76; Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, 1976-80; Reader in Mathematics, 1980-82; Prof, of Mathematics, 1982-02; Head, Dept. of Mathematics, 1983-86; Sub-Dean (Postgraduate), FacultyofScience, University oflbadan, 1978-80; Dean, Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan, 1986-90; Prof, of Mathematics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste, Italy(UNESCO), 1995-03; Visiting Scholar, Visiting Asst. Prof., Columbia University, New York, USA, 1970-71; 1971; Post-Doctoral Visitor, University of Chicago, USA, 1974-75; Visiting Professor, University Bielefeld, Germany, Summer, 1980; 1985; 1994; Fall 1981; 1990; 2006; Visiting Prof, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 2*1 Semester, 1982; Visiting Prof, Queen's University, Kingston Ontario, Canada Summer, 1993; 1982; Visiting Prof, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, California, USA Fall, 1992-04; Visiting Prof, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA Spring Semester, 1993; Visiting Prof, Hong Kong (Summer), 1993; Visiting Prof, Institute of Mathematics/System Science, Chinese Academyof Sciences, Beijing, China (Summer), 1993; Visiting Prof, Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Visiting Prof. Howard University Washington DC, USA (Spring Semester), 1994; Visiting Prof. Max-Planck Institute fur Mathematik, Bonn Germany, 1994; 2007; Visiting Prof, Ohio State University Columbus, OH432I0, 2005; Visiting Prof. African Institute for Math Sciences (AIMS), Capetown, South Africa, 2005; Visiting Prof, IHES (Intitut Des Hautes Etude Scientifique) Paris, France, 2006; Visiting Prof, University of IOWA, IOWA City, USA, 2007-08; ch., Organizing Committee, International Workshop on Group Representation and its Applications, Ibadan, 1981; Organizing Committee, International Symposium on Mathematic Modeling, Ibadan, 1984; Organizing Committee, Second Pan African Congress of Mathematicians, Jos, 1986; Organizing Committee, Second Foundation Postgraduate Course in Algebra, National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, 1992; Organizing Committee, Third Pan African Congress of Mathematics, Nairobi, Kenya, 1991; dir, ICTP Workshop/Symposium on "Algebraic K-Theory and Applications" held in September 1997; ICTP School and Conference on "Algebraic K-Theory and its Applications", 2002' School and Conference on "Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 2007; f: Third World Academy of Science; African Academy of Science; Nigerian Academy of Science; Mathematical Association ofNigeria; President, African Mathematical Union, 1986-95; Vice President, Science Association of Nigeria, 1983-94; mm: International Mathematical Union Commission on Development and Exchange, 1986-94; Mathematics Advisory Committee International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste, Italy, 1986-92; Steering Committee, Pan African Union for Science Technology, 1987-90; Board ofTrustees, Mathematical Association of Nigeria, 1987-90; Board of Trustees, Mathematical Association of Nigeria, 1988; UNESCO Advisory Committee of Expert Mathematicians, 1987; Editorial Board, Nigerian Journal ofScience, 1977-81; Editorial Advisory Board, Africa Mathematika, 1986-95; American Mathematical Society, 1971; London Mathematical Society, 1994; Mathematical Association of America, 1994; Nigerian Mathematical Society, 1979; International Committee, American Mathematical Society, 1993; publ: Some Algebraic K-Theoretic Applications of the LF and NF Functors, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1973; Whitehead Group of Orders in p-adic semi-simple algebras, Journal of Algebra, 1973; Some Finiteness Theorems in the K-Theory of orders in p-adic algebras, Journal of London Mathematical Society, 1976; SG„ of Orders and group-rings, Mathematisches Zeitschfifts, 1979; The Cartan Map for equivariant higher algebraic K-groups, Communications in Algebra, 1981; Higher algebraic K-theory of group-rings and orders in algebras over number fields, Communications in Algebra, 1982; Equivariant K-theory and the cohomology of profinite groups, Lecture notes in Mathematics 1046, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, New York, 1984; K9, SKn of integral group-rings and orders, Contemporary Mathematics, 1986; Some recent development in Algebraic K-theory, Proceedings of the SAMSA Conference, Lesotho, 1987, etc; ah: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Scholarship Tenable at Makerere UniversityCollege, Kampala, Uganda, (then under Special relationship with University of London), 1962-64; Shell-BP Proficiency Prize (Makerere), 1963; Mathematical Departmental Prize, Makerer, 1964; Travel Fellowship Awarded by US Dept. of State, 1968; AFGRAD Fellowship, 1970-71; Canadian Research Council Circuit, 1982; 1993; Third World Academic of Sciences (TWAS) Travel Grant, 1993; Swedish Institute Research/Travel granu 1993; Switzerland National Foundation Research GranL 1996; Clay Mathematics Institute Fellowship, 2004-05; sc: Lionism- President Bodija Lions Club, Ibadan, 1992-92; Melvin Jones Fellow, International Association of Lions Clubs, 1991; hob: ballroom dancing, chess, table tennis; off: Grambling State University, Grambling, LA, USA.
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