MONJOK, Egbo Emmanuel

tea cher, civil servant, Secretary to the Military Government and Head of the Civil Service, Cross River State; Born: September 1, 1929, at Ibeel, Ogoja, Cross River State; Education: St. Michael Primary School, Ibeel, Ogoja; St. Benedict's Primary School Ogoja; St. Thomas' Teacher Training College, Ogoja; University of Lon don, University of Dublin (Trinity College); Royal College of Defence Studies; obtained M.A. in Political Science and Philosophy, ^.Sc. (Econ), D.P.A. (Post Graduate), R.C.D.S. (Political and Strategic Studies); school master; one time chairman of Ogoja County Council; administrative officer in the Federal Public Service — worked in the Federal'Ministry of Economic Deve lopment as planning officer and in the Cabinent Office, Lagos; trans ferred to the public service of the Cross River State —worked as prin cipal secretary to the Military Gover nor, permanent secretary. Ministry of Works, permanent secretary. Mini stry of Agriculture and National Resources and permanent secretary, Ministry of Education before his pre sent appointment; Married and has six children; Address (Home): S.M.G's Quarters, Leopard Town Road, Calabar; (Office): Cabinet Office, Calabar, cross River State; Telephone: 262, 265, 202; Hobby: tennis, piano and organ music, reading, poetry.
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