OGBONNA Dr. Justin Ihemeukaeme

IMO STATE COMMISSIONER FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND CO-OPERATIVES Dr. Justin Ihemeukaeme Ogbonna was bom in Amachi Nsulu in lsiala Ngwa Local Government area on May 10, 1939. He received his primary school education at Oloko Central School and Wilcox Memorial School (now Comprehensive Secondary Sch ool) Aba. Dr. Ogbonna, as a teacher was trained at Uyo Government Teacher Training College for his Grade 111 and 11 Teacher Certificates, respectively. In I960, that is three years after his training as a Grade 11 teacher, Dr. Ogbonna qualified for the award of Grade 1 (Senior Teacher) Teacher Cer tificate following his successes in the General Certificate of Education Exa minations. From 1959-1961, he served as a primary school headmaster and in 1962, taught at Oloko Teacher Train ing College. In January, 1963, Dr. Ogbonna left for the United States for further studies. In the States, he attended Miles College, Birmingham, Alabama where in May, 1966, he received with honours (Cum laude) the Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administra tion with special concentration in Accountancy and economics. From Summer 1966 to August 1967, Dr. Ogbonna studied at Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia for his Master degree in Business Administra tion (M'B.A.) and his major area of concentration for this -degree was Finance. He later did additional studies in Economics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in 1970. In summer of that same year, he moved to Washington, D.C. where at Howard University, he began to work on his doctorate degree in Political Science. In this new area of academic discipline, he studied Public Admini stration, American and Comparative Government, International Relations and Diplomatic History. For his Ph.D. research, Dr. Ogbonna took a comprehensive study of Nigeria Development Plan: 1962- 74. In tenns of work experience, Dr. Ogbonna served from September 1967 - May 1970 as a lecturer in Accountancy, at Elizabeth City State Univer sity, North Carolina and one year at Favetteville State University (North Carolina). He also handled such otlier business courses as Economics, Per sonnel Management and Marketing. After his Ph.D. degree, he joined the staff of Virginia Slate University as an Assistant Professor and until he returned to Nigeria in August, 1975 his lectures were concentrated in the area of Public Administration, Ameri can Government, State and Local Government and occasionally in Inter national Relations. Dr. Ogbonna joined the staff of Alvan Ikoku College of Education in August, 1975. Apart from setting up the Department of Government/Socio logy, he helped also to design the academic programme for what is now the Department of Business and Vocational Education. As a Presidential Scholar (Miles College), Dr. Ogbonna has made tre mendous contributions to knowledge. Some of his published articles include: Management Styles; Strengths and Weaknesses; An Executive President for Nigeria; Democracy in Nigeria; Role Perception and Industrial Effec tiveness and Community Development in Imo State; The Problem of Uneven Development. Dr. Ogbonna looks for ward to a day he will complete his introductory textbook in Government, titled: "Understanding Government." As a former Principal Lecturer/- Head of Department, Dr. Ogbonna hot only has much to offer but also has much to gain in the area of Public Administration in his present appoint ment as a State Commissioner for Community Development and Co operatives.
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